My favorites extensions for VS Code

Marco Belo
4 min readOct 1, 2019


To install any of those extensions, open VS-Code press “Ctrl+p” and paste the command inside the parentheses (example: ext install author.package).

This is the list of extensions, below you will find more details about each one:

  • Docker (ext install ms-azuretools.vscode-docker)
  • Todo Tree (ext install gruntfuggly.todo-tree)
  • Bookmarks (ext install alefragnani.bookmarks)
  • GitLens (ext install eamodio.gitlens)
  • Live Share (ext install MS-vsliveshare.vsliveshare)
  • Better Comments (ext install aaron-bond.better-comments)
  • Clock in status bar (ext install Compulim.vscode-clock)
  • Rainbow CSV (ext install mechatroner.rainbow-csv)
  • Material Icon Theme (ext install pkief.material-icon-theme)


Allows you to quickly watch and control your containers from the vsCode UI, contains some boilerplates to start the Dockerfiles on your project, add syntax highlighting.

Todo Tree

Helps you to track the TODO and FIXME on your project, you just need to add a comment with TODO or FIXME keyword, like:

And at the Todo Tree extensions tab you will see this:

The cool part is that this extension shows you the full path to the files with TODO or FIXME on your project.


With a simple shortcut (ctrl+alt+k) save or remove a bookmark in a file. It saves the line and collumn position of the cursor and at the extension tab you can see all your bookmarks.

The bookmarks are showed aside the line number in the same spot of breakpoints, so be aware that this extension blocks you from use of a breakpoint at the line you bookmarked.


It gives Git superpowers on Visual Studio Code.

Live Share

Allows you to share your code with others, like working in a google docs file with a group of people.

Better Comments

Add colors to your comments

Clock in status bar

Add a clock to status bar on the right, it’s useful when you are working on Full Screen mode.

Rainbow CSV

Highlighting for CSV files, changes the color for each time it found a separator and it autodetect the most commonly used separators: ["\t", ",", ";", "|"]

It also permit run queries on your csv files with the RBQL query language, with your csv file opened type “Ctrl+Shift+p” and type “rbql”, select “Rainbow CSV: RBQL” and start queryng.

Material Icon Theme

Add theme to your VSCode icons for files and folders, below you can see the icons for the files and folders.

Material Icon Theme: file icons
Material Icon Theme: folder icons

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